br0ke up..!!

hYe readers..!!
mst k0rang tertanya2...
knapa tetiba br0ke up plak nie kan...
bkn h0neyz larh yg br0ke up...
h0neyz still lg ngan my sweetheart...
h0neyz saja nak share dial0g antara "b0y" and "his Best friend" nie...
h0neyz amik dial0g nie dlm I Love U More Then U Can Imagine...

Let's Read it..!!

b0y : I br0ke up with her...

his Best friend : What happened??..

b0y : She's just t0o much f0r me..

his Best friend : What make y0u say that??What did she d0 wr0ng??..

b0y : Well...f0r 0ne..She only cared ab0ut her appearance..Always has t0 l0ok g0od,
always t0ok f0rever t0 get dressed..!! s0 insecure...

his Best friend : So, y0u br0ke her heart bc0z she wanted t0 keep y0ur eyes l0cked 0n her..??
She wanted y0u t0 see that y0u have the prettiest girl under y0ur sleeve and n0t think otherwise..??
I see...

b0y : Oh...well...she'd often call me or text me asking where i am, who i'm with, telling me n0t t0 sm0ke,
n0t t0 drink...She's s0 clingy..!!

his Best friend : So, y0u br0ke her heart bc0z she cares ab0ut y0ur well being..??
bc0z she cares ab0ut y0u a l0t..?? and her greatest fear is l0sing y0u... I see...

b0y : But...Uhhh...Well... She'd always cry when I say something slightly mean...
She can't handle anything... She's a crybaby...

his Best friend : s0, y0u br0ke her heart bc0z she has feelings..?? And bc0z she just wanted t0 hear y0u say y0u l0ve her..?? I see...

b0y : I...Well..!! y0u kn0w, she'd get jeal0us easily... I c0uld barely talk t0 other girls..!!
She's s0 ann0ying..!! I had t0 hide it fr0m her...

his Best friend : s0, y0u br0ke her heart bc0z she just wanted y0u t0 c0mmit t0 her..??
She taught y0u were faithful, but y0u lied s0 she c0uld find out later and hurt even m0re..??
She just wanted the guy she l0ve the m0st t0 l0ve only her.. I see...

b0y : Well, She...

his Best friend : y0u br0ke up with her bc0z she's g0od f0r y0u..?? She just wanted the best f0r y0u..??
She's br0ken n0w bc0z y0u were sellfish.. Are y0u pr0ud..??

b0y : I br0ke her heart...bc0z I couldn't see what happening... What happened t0 me.??

his Best friend : y0u l0st the girl that l0ved y0u like n0 0ne else c0uld... You see..??
You didn't want her when all she ever wanted was y0u.. That's what happened...

Bila h0neyz mula membebel :-
t0 all b0ys..
juz think ab0ut it..

SaRaNghYe ;-)

2 0712 suka k0men bl0g h0neyz:

Unknown said...

hehe noh...
bagi semua laki baca ni hehe..bawu depa tau hehe :D

misz h0neyz said...

fatin hanani
2 larh...
kdg2 lelaki xfhm apa yg gurl nak...

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